Child Health in Leeds

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About CHiLD

CHiLD is Child Health in Leeds, a virtual Institute, and a collaboration between the following partners to achieve excellence in academic paediatrics in Leeds and West Yorkshire:

  • Leeds Children’s Hospital/ Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust;
  • University of Leeds;
  • Leeds Community Healthcare NHS Trust.

Leeds Children’s Hospital is part of the Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust (LTHT), and is one of largest and most comprehensive Children’s Hospitals in the UK, with many areas of clinical and academic excellence, and areas of research strength aligned with University of Leeds priorities in cancer, epidemiology, and clinical trials. The University of Leeds is a research-intensive international university with a strong enduring reputation, including major research activity in medicine and health. Leeds Community Healthcare NHS Trust provides high quality community healthcare to the people of Leeds, working in partnership with other organisations and groups,. Paediatric Teaching in West Yorkshire is highly regarded, including the undergraduate paediatric course, and the postgraduate MSc and STEPP courses. We have several academic training posts, including two Academic Clinical Fellowships. We benefit from strong links with colleagues across Yorkshire, and the Medicines for Children Research Network expansion, which now includes Leeds and Yorkshire.